Happy Christmas – but the war’s not over

Happy Christmas – but the war’s not over

As of November 15 some 1.2m jobs had been furloughed as part of the Job Retention Scheme. By September more than 315,000 jobs had been made redundant. We’ve all earned the right to take a foot off the gas for a week or two but the economic fallout from Covid-19 isn’t going to disappear and planning for 2021 needs to start now.

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How to keep your teams motivated in times of crisis

How to keep your teams motivated in times of crisis

One of the biggest problems that business has faced as a result of the pandemic is the reality of working remotely from one another – a situation that has brought its fair share of issues for staff both on the ground and in management roles.

What was a refreshing change in March – a period without the early alarm, without being squashed into a packed tube or bus, without feeling chained to a desk, without the constant frustration of a malfunctioning photocopier or erratic tech reliability – quickly became a routine that for some was every bit as humdrum and mundane as the one it had replaced.

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How do I encourage staff to return to work after Covid?

How do I encourage staff to return to work after Covid?

Running a business is challenging at the best of times. Trying to do it in the middle of the worst global pandemic in a century makes it harder still. So, with lockdown being eased to stimulate growth, just how do you persuade people they should return to work in a post-Covid world?

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