The questions you should – and shouldn’t – ask in an interview

The questions you should – and shouldn’t – ask in an interview

So, you’re hiring a new member of staff. You’ve been through the rigmarole of advertising the role, sifting through the long list and identifying the candidates you want to see. Now, with the interview looming, you need to decide what questions you’re going to ask them.

But as much as knowing what questions you should be asking, it’s worth making sure you also know which are the ones you’re not allowed to ask.

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How to make sure good employees stay

How to make sure good employees stay

To a greater or lesser extent, businesses spend money advertising a vacancy on job boards or through recruitment agencies, invest valuable time sifting through shortlists (which can also be long-lists, if the sifting process isn’t up to scratch) and more time still sitting across the table from a parade of candidates at interview.

But once the successful candidate has accepted the job, been given a pass to get into the building, allocated a computer and an email address, and given an induction there’s a danger that we simply take their presence for granted and, to all intents and purposes, forget about them.

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How to hire the best candidate, not the best interviewee

How to hire the best candidate, not the best interviewee

The job interview. Often the final part of the recruitment process, it’s a phase of selection that is much maligned by both prospective employers and the prospective employees sitting on the other side of the desk.

But why is it that job interviews are often so disliked by everyone who takes part in them?

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