People Management Health Check Questionnaire

The health check questionnaire you are about to complete is free, and it is a no obligation evaluation to assist you to make sure you are managing your staff issues effectively and efficiently.

A health check of your policies and procedures can be seen as being similar to an MOT of a vehicle or annual financial audit.

It assesses what you have in place or what needs to be put into place. It sets the standard for how you manage your people. Getting this wrong, can prove to be extremely costly in the long run.

The questionnaire has been designed to capture your responses to business critical areas and identify key issues with your current processes and illustrate ways for you to maximise performance.

It enables me to make a thorough assessment of your people management practices. Once you have completed the attached questionnaire, I will evaluate your results and be able to provide you with a free detailed report highlighting the following:

  • Any areas where you are not legally compliant

  • Identify areas that are effective, and those areas that require attention

  • Details of what needs to be done and any aspects of urgency

  • An action plan to tackle issues